China Breaks Into the Fake Diploma Business

diplomafraud July 24, 2012 0

In China, imitations of almost everything can be found — cars, bags, outfits and more. But now you can even buy a fake college degree!

Recent reports stated that a former Ministry of Education official, among others, went on trial in Beijing for swindling. The accused supposedly pretended to be agents for an American college that didn’t exist.

diploma fraud

Aside from students, businesspeople who want to improve their CVs are targets.

Nine people stood trial for selling fake diplomas from ghost American colleges.

The diplomas cost around 190,000 RMB (US$30,000) each. Their clients pay up, attend a few classes and receive their certificates.

Fake diplomas from Chinese universities are also available. Many, in fact, use the same websites and names used with or connected to real universities.

The lack of government regulation is the problem, said Bingqi Xiong of Shanghai’s Jiaotong University. “Chinese people pay more attention to having a diploma than they do to having a real education. A diploma is worth actual money, whereas an education is not.”

Source : weirdasianews

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