Beware Of Fake Diplomas – Save Yourself From Scams

diplomafraud December 18, 2012 1


Online education commonly known as distance learning offers a more suitable way for students to obtain a college degree without the need to worry if the college is situated far away from where they live. But, there are definite scams you must be aware of in order for you to keep away from getting a fake degree that is powerless in your career. Following the 3 safety measure steps explained in this article when considering a distance education program will save you from getting a fake diploma.

diploma fraud

Step 1: Check for authorization of the college and the foundation of accredit agency

It is very significant to promise a college that you are interested in pursuing a distance education course is recognized by a legally documented accrediting agency. But, diploma mills are smart these days as they also circulate their official approval information to make the students believe they are accredited like other lawful colleges. Hence, don’t think a college is legally recognized until you check the accredit agency that performs the official approval, make sure it is one of the national or regional recognized accrediting agencies. Be aware that the danger of getting a fake diploma will influence not only your career opportunity in the future, you may also be dragged into a complaint if the future employer find out you are applying for a job spot with a fake degree and he takes a legal act against you. So, be cautious of fake diploma and keep away yourself from being a victim of diploma mills by taking some safety measures to protect yourself.

Step 2: What other students say about the college and the distance education program

Nowadays, social networking sites are so common. People are chatting about and sharing a variety of things in social networks. Social networks like Twitter and Facebook can be excellent places to find details about a distance learning program you are interested in pursuing. Ask questions and get their estimation about the college that offer the distance education program you are paying attention, you will get many response, although some comments might not be useful, but you absolutely will get helpful hints to help in your decision when selecting an online college degree program. Other than forums, social networks and message boards that pay attention on education discussions do contain useful information about the status and the practice shared by other students who have taken the distance learning program at the college.

Step 3: Check for signs of scams

The general practice of diploma mills is, they attempt to make things easy and suitable for students to obtain a college degree with no efforts at all and within a very short span of time. Some of the degrees accessible by diploma mills let the student ‘buy’ a degree with no the need to spend time on study. This is a clear sign of a straight away scam, don’t get fascinated. You should put extraordinary alert if the education programs are looking too good to be true such as super-low tuition fees, super-short period to complete the programs, impractical guarantee and promises. Although there are lawful online education programs that propose fast-track degree programs, the students still need to put in the learning efforts in order to obtain the degree, if they are too good to be true, they are just too good to be true, you have to make sure for additional details before you sign-up any of these programs.

This article originally appeared on articlesbase

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  1. Vinay Mishra March 9, 2013 at 7:14 am - Reply


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